Homer Simpson and Mario
Sick picture of Mario. (Src.: Internet) I found these two pictures on the Internet and thought to share. Have a look at both of them. I find them weird and scary. Sick picture of Homer Simpson. (Src.: Internet)
In "Internet"
Anu: see thru pictures
See through picture of Anu Ojha. (Src.: Internet) Anu Ojha, a bold bitch. That's what they say to her on the Internet. Don't know what they say her in Nepal. Looking at her pictures since it was first published on some crappy website from Butwal, I knew. Then she, as…
In "Internet"
Mr. Jobs
Mosaic Portraits of Mr. Steve Jobs made with his products. (Src.: Internet) Amazing mosaic of Steve Jobs, CEO, Chairman and co-founder of Apple Inc., made up with Apple products. A high resolution picture can be downloaded from the following link. And then you just need to select the size of…
In "Picture"